Velscope VX
Enhanced Oral Assessment
Why VELscope?
The VELscope Vx is the most powerful tool available for assisting in the discovery of oral abnormalities. The VELscope’s distinctive blue-spectrum light causes the soft tissues of the mouth to naturally fluoresce. Healthy tissues fluoresce in distinctive patterns – patterns that are visibly disrupted by trauma or disease. Using the VELscope, a wide variety of oral abnormalities can be discovered – often before they’re visible to the unassisted eye.
Discovering soft tissue abnormalities is particularly important in the fight against oral cancer. Because the VELscope Vx assists in early detection, cancer can be caught before it has time to spread, potentially saving lives through less invasive, more effective treatment.
At Picton Dental, your next check up with Velscope will be:
- completely safe
- simple to use
- no unpleasant rinses or stains
- entire exam in about two minutes.
The following images show the same mouth under two different light conditions. The image on the left was taken under normal light conditions. The image on the right, using the VELscope technology, shows the same mouth under the “blue” light of the VELscope.